How to Fix a Bent Garage Door Track : 7 Comprehensive Guide

Garage door tracks, also known as rails, are essential components that guide the movement of your garage door. Over time, these tracks can become bent or damaged, leading to issues such as the door getting stuck, jerking, or even falling off its tracks. However, fixing a bent garage door track is a relatively simple process that can be done with a few essential tools. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of fixing a bent garage door track, providing you with the knowledge and techniques to restore your garage door’s functionality.

1. Causes of Bent Garage Door Tracks

A bent garage door track can cause various problems, such as difficulty in opening or closing the door. Fortunately, repairing a bent garage door track is a task that can be accomplished with a few basic tools and some know-how. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to fix a bent garage door track, ensuring that your garage door operates smoothly and efficiently.

Before we dive into the repair process, it’s important to understand the common causes of bent garage door tracks. By identifying the cause, you can take steps to prevent future damage and ensure the longevity of your garage door.


One common cause of bent garage door tracks is an obstruction in the door’s path. Dirt, sand, or other debris can accumulate on the trails, preventing the smooth movement of the door. This obstruction creates tension and can lead to the bending of the ways.

Broken cables

Cables play a crucial role in supporting the weight of the garage door. If one of the cables breaks or becomes damaged, the unsupported weight can put excessive stress on the tracks, causing them to bend.


Another common cause of bent garage door tracks is an impact from a vehicle or other heavy object hitting the door. Even a minor collision can significantly damage the tracks, leading to bending or misalignment.

2. Diagnosing a Bent Garage Door Track

Before you begin the repair process, it’s important to diagnose whether your garage door track is bent. This will ensure that you target the correct issue and apply the appropriate solution.

Closing the door and marking points

To diagnose a bent garage door track, close the door and mark two points on the side of the wall near where it attaches. Use a non-marking object, such as a piece of rubber, to ensure that no marks or scratches are left behind.

Measuring the distance between the marks

Next, open the garage door again and measure the distance between the two marks. This will give you an idea of the extent of the bend and help you determine the appropriate course of action.

3. Tools and Materials Needed

You will need a few basic tools and materials to fix a bent garage door track. Having these items ready before you begin the repair process will ensure a smoother and more efficient workflow.

  • Wrench: To loosen and tighten bolts and nuts.
  • Screwdriver: To remove and secure screws.
  • Hammer: To straighten the tracks and panels.
  • Lubricant: To lubricate the tracks and ensure smooth movement.
  • Sheet metal (if repairing a bent panel): To reinforce the damaged area.
  • Heat gun (if repairing a bent panel): To heat the sheet metal for bending.
  • Safety glasses and work gloves: To protect your eyes and hands during the repair process.

4. Straightening Bent Tracks and Panels

Once you have gathered the necessary tools and materials, you can begin straightening the bent garage door tracks and panels. This will involve loosening the hardware, straightening the tracks and panels, and securing them.

Loosening the hardware

Start by using a wrench and screwdriver to loosen the bolts, screws, and nuts that hold the tracks and panels in place. This will allow for easier manipulation and adjustment of the bent areas.

Straightening the tracks and panels

Using a hammer, gently tap the bent areas of the tracks and panels to straighten them. Take care to apply even force and avoid excessive bending, as this can cause further damage.

Securing the sheet metal (if repairing a bent panel)

If you are repairing a bent panel, you can reinforce the damaged area by using sheet metal. Cut a piece of sheet metal to match the size of the damaged area. Heat the sheet metal using a heat gun to make it more pliable, and then secure it to the panel using screws, bolts, and nuts.

5. Adjusting and Securing Hardware

Once the tracks and panels are straightened, it’s crucial to properly adjust and secure the hardware. This will ensure the garage door operates smoothly and prevent further bending or misalignment.

Proper adjustment of screws, bolts, and nuts

Using a wrench and screwdriver, adjust the screws, bolts, and nuts to ensure that they are properly aligned and tightened. Take care not to overtighten, as this can lead to warping or bending of the tracks and panels.

Tightening the hardware

After making the necessary adjustments, tighten the screws, bolts, and nuts to hold the tracks and panels in place securely. Use the appropriate amount of force to ensure a stable and durable connection.

Lubricating the tracks and panels

To ensure smooth movement of the garage door, apply lubricant to the tracks and panels. This will reduce friction and prevent unnecessary strain on the hardware. Use a suitable lubricant, such as WD-40, and apply it evenly along the tracks and panels.

Garage Door Track

6. Testing the Repair

After completing the repair process, it’s essential to test the functionality of the garage door to ensure that the best track has been successfully fixed. This will involve opening and closing the door multiple times and checking for any signs of resistance or misalignment.

Opening and closing the garage door

Operate the garage door by opening and closing it several times. Observe the movement and listen for any unusual sounds or resistance. The door should move smoothly and without any hindrance.

Checking for signs of wear and tear

Inspect the tracks and panels for any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, dents, or rust. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the longevity of your garage door.

7. Preventing Future Damage

To avoid future instances of bent garage door tracks, it’s crucial to implement preventive measures and regular maintenance. By taking proactive steps, you can extend the lifespan of your garage door and minimize the need for repairs.

Regular inspection for rust and wear

Regularly inspect the tracks and panels for any signs of rust or wear. Clean the tracks and lubricate them as needed to prevent rust formation. Replace any damaged or worn-out parts promptly to maintain optimal functionality.

Prompt replacement of damaged tracks and panels

If you notice any cracks, dents, or significant damage to the tracks or panels, it’s important to replace them promptly. Continuing to use damaged components can lead to further bending or misalignment, compromising the overall performance of the garage door.


In conclusion, fixing a bent garage door track is a relatively straightforward process that can be accomplished with essential tools and materials. By following the step-by-step instructions in this guide, you can restore your garage door’s functionality and smooth operation. However, if you encounter any difficulties or require professional assistance, it is recommended to consult a garage door repair expert. 

At Affordable Garage Door Repairs of Indianapolis, we specialize in addressing bent garage door track issues for residential and commercial spaces in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our experienced technicians are equipped with the latest technological expertise to provide swift and precise resolutions to any challenges your garage door may present. Entrust us with your garage door needs and experience peace of mind from partnering with industry experts committed to safeguarding your business environment.

Choose Affordable Garage Door Repairs of Indianapolis

At Affordable Garage Door Repairs of Indianapolis, we specialize in addressing how to fix bent garage door tracks for residents and commercial spaces in Indianapolis, Indiana. We understand the critical importance of operational efficiency, so we offer cost-effective services designed to restore functionality promptly. Our technicians, equipped with the latest technological expertise, ensure swift and precise resolutions to any challenges your commercial garage doors might present. The safety and well-being of your employees and patrons are paramount. 

Entrust us with your garage door needs and experience the peace of mind that comes from partnering with industry experts committed to safeguarding your business environment.

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